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The History of the Ancient world is a huge topic!


But before we even go there, lets establish what we already know about the different aspects of History!





When we talk about Ancient History, what are we actually referring to?


Write down the following questions and leave space for the answers.


  • What dates does this part of History cover?

  • What significant events happened within this time frame?

  • What parts of this society still influence todays society?




MIDDLE AGES - The Medieval Years


1. When did the Middle Ages begin?

2. How long did the Middles Ages go for?

3. Why are The Middle Ages looked upon as a dark and difficult time?

4. What gave people hope within this time?

5. What was the reason for so many people dying during this time?







1. What year do we classify as the beginning of Modern History?

2. What significant events occured within this time?



I am going to summarise 550 years of History for you. Are you ready? Get set to answer as many questions as possible!










You are now going to create your own timeline of the Ancient world, using the information from the first task and through research within the text book.


Hint: use the timeline in the book as your guide :)


This is a partner task so you can work with the person sitting next to you.

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