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China's Terracotta Warriors


What were they?






In groups of 3 or 4, come up with 5 questions that you would like to ask about the Terracotta Warriors.

Focus on the 5Ws.




Some questions:

- How were these terracotta warriors constructed?

-What purpose did they have?

-When were they found? Where?

-Have all the warriors been excavated?

-What problems have arisen in the preservation of these discoveries?

-What do these warriors tell us about Chinese military strategies in the time of the Qin dynasty?

-What do they tell us about the artistic skills of the Chinese?



How would you go about finding out the answers to these questions?



What kind of sources could you use?




Let's watch this video to learn a little bit more about these Warriors.

Take notes as you watch, and if you hear an answer to one of the questions, note it down!






Research activity:


In your groups, you will be allocated one 'Big Ideas' question. Use a variety of sources to answer this question.


- You must use a mixture of primary and secondary sources.

- Must use more than just the internet.

- You will need a bibliography.










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